Kasasa Qualification Calendar

The following dates apply to our Kasasa account(s). To qualify for your account’s rewards, all of your account’s qualifying transactions must post and settle to your specific Kasasa account within the Monthly Qualification Cycle dates stated below.

Transactions bundled together by merchants and received by our institution as a single transaction count as a single transaction for the purpose of earning your account’s rewards. Account transactions and activities may take one or more days to post and settle to the account and all must do so during the Monthly Qualification Cycle in order to qualify for your account’s rewards.

Please refer to your account’s Truth In Savings disclosure for your account’s specific qualification requirements.

JanuaryJanuary 1January 31
FebruaryFebruary 1February 28
(or 29 in leap year)
MarchMarch 1March 31
AprilApril 1April 30
MayMay 1May 31
JuneJune 1June 30
JulyJuly 1July 31
AugustAugust 1August 31
SeptemberSeptember 1September 31
OctoberOctober 1October 31
NovemberNovember 1November 30
DecemberDecember 1December 31
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